What do the three witches predict in the beginning of the story? Do you think that the three witches are antagonists or protagonists? Why?
- Do you think that the three witches are antagonists or protagonists? Why?
- The witches are antagonists
- They told Macbeth that he will be king; this is the stimulus for Macbeth's extreme ambitiousness.
- Macbeth's ambitiousness and later murder of Duncan are the cause of the whole tragedy
- The apparitions the witches summon give Macbeth a false sense of security.
- "For none of woman born shall harm Macbeth" (Horton 250).
- Birnan wood coming to Dunsinane
Work Cited
Shakespeare, William. "Macbeth." British Literature. Ed. Ronald A. Horton. Greenville: Bob Jones UP, 1999. 199-277. Print.