1. Chapter VI: How does “...malice thus becomes wholly real and the benevolence largely imaginary” (Lewis, 28)? How does this apply to your life?
When we show malice towards those we see on a regular basis, then we may begin to associate the person with malicious feelings. But if we are more kind to random people, and we never see those people again; then those acts of kindness will seem more distant. I should try to have a benevolent and patient attitude towards any one. This could help keep the benevolent feeling more real to me.
2. Chapter VIII: What is the “law of Undulation” (Lewis, 37)? Give an example of this in your life. In the book's context, this is the occurrence of change in a person's spiritual condition or how they feel spiritually. The person's spiritual condition may feel stronger at some points or weaker at other points. I feel this when I go to church or when I read parts of the Bible that seem to relate to my situation; so i feel closer to God. But if I do sin a lot and don't resolve them, then I feel low in my spiritual condition.
3. Chapter V: What is Screwtape’s idea on the best way for humans to die? Why? He wants them to die old, in a nursing home, surrounded by people who are trying to make the person "feel" better, and indulging in a lot of their worldly desires. He wants this because it let's the dying person become content with the worldly pleasures; while ignoring their ultimate fate. The people that want to make the dying person "feel" better would not want the person to feel like they were going to die soon. So asking a priest to talk to the person would not happen; thus eliminating a way for the dying person to become a Christian.
4. Chapter VII: How do you picture the devil? What does this chapter challenge you about regarding the spiritual warfare over your soul? I used to picture him as that guy in the red suit, with horns, a pitchfork, and a pointy tale. But now, I can't really imagine a face or body; but I get a picture of fire and a shadowy figure in it. It kind of creeps me out a little at how detailed the demons are portrayed to be in trying to cause the man to struggle. It makes me want to be sure not to fall into any of the twisted mindsets about spiritual matters.
5. Chapter VIII: “Our cause is never more in danger, than when a human, no longer desiring, but intending, to do our Enemy's will, looks round upon a universe from which every trace of Him seems to have vanished, and asks why he has been forsaken, and still obeys. (Lewis 40). What are your thoughts on this? It reminds me of Job and how he struggled. It also makes me think about how even when we go through the Undulation thing, we should still try and keep our relationship with God strong.
Work Cited
Lewis, Clive S. The ScrewTape Letters. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2001. Print.
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